Early Childhood Attachment Trauma and Recovery is Biological

Early Childhood Attachment Trauma and Recovery is Biological – Events that are overwhelming to a person’s ability to cope become traumatic events and can leave lasting changes in one’s biology. This is especially true in the case of early childhood and attachment trauma, because its recovery can be more biological than psychological. The effects of […]

The Beginning Of A Trauma Body

The Beginning Of A Trauma Body – Attachment trauma shares a feature common to other forms of trauma and adverse childhood experiences: the development of a trauma body. Whether children or adults with insecure attachment or attachment disorder, a trauma body is a part of the package that needs to be understood. What is a trauma […]

Answers to Your Questions on Healing Your Body from Trauma

  Answers to Your Questions on Healing Your Body from Trauma – Many people have sent in questions asking about the various effects that trauma has on our bodies, so today I will share some of these questions and stories with you. There are a variety of stories from individuals, like you, who have shared […]

Working With Children With Attachment Disorder: Healing Trauma

All children who have attachment disorder encountered some type of trauma during their early life.  Working With Children With Attachment Disorder: Healing Trauma – There is no attachment disorder without a relational trauma that resulted in neurobiology wired to react. Sometimes this trauma is obvious and comes in the form of physical abuse, sexual abuse, […]

Is Fatigue Emotional or Medical?

Is Fatigue Emotional or Medical? – Fatigue is one of the most frustrating physical symptoms and medical diagnoses; however, it’s also one of the least understood! After all, we can’t figure out whether it’s emotional or medical. It isn’t uncommon for people with diagnoses of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to be told that fatigue is all […]

Peter Levine and Healing Trauma with Somatic Experiencing

Peter Levine and Healing Trauma with Somatic Experiencing – Can Somatic Experiencing be used to help heal a child with attachment disorder? What if my child was adopted at birth and there was no other trauma, but they still seem to have attachment issues? Can Somatic Experiencing be helpful for any child with attachment disorder […]

The Effects of Trauma on the Different Body Systems

The Effects of Trauma on the Different Body Systems – Science dealing with the connection between trauma and the body’s physical health is still a new field of medicine, but it’s quickly growing! With each new study, we find new ways in which past stress, adversity, and trauma affects the body years later. To introduce […]

Actionable Steps To Conquer Overwhelm

Actionable Steps To Conquer Overwhelm – It is possible to conquer that dreaded overwhelm. We can conquer it with the right tools and actions. In this blog, we’re going to look at how to conquer overwhelm, as well as how to push it back into a dormant state, where it belongs. For many, overwhelm is […]