We have a many amazing ways to receive one-on-one support!
We have coaches who are directly supervised by Dr. Aimie and ready to provide you individualized guidance and support on your journey.
We also have Somatic Experiencing™ Professionals who are available to meet one-on-one with you.
The Intentional Community of Support might not be one-on-one but it is still worth mentioning! It is our online community with a monthly membership.
We offer live somatic drop-in sessions throughout the week, live focus topics with Mentors and Guest Speakers, and a community to lean on. We want to help provide intentional and personal opportunities for support to support you on your journey.
*The 21 Day Journey is the prerequisite for all these offerings, as
everything we do builds off this transformative experience.
Per the policies stated before purchase, we do not offer refunds. Due to the electronic nature of our product, and the ongoing access that will be provided for you, we do ask that you feel this is the next step for you before you purchase!
Although subject to change, the prices are as follows:
21 Day Journey: $597
All Parts Of Me: $597
Biology of Trauma® Certification Track Module: $997 per module
Biology of Trauma® Take Charge Of My Trauma™ Non-Certification Track Module: $867
Entire Certification Track: $5976 (after taking the 21 Day Journey)
Unfortunately, at this time we do not have scholarships available. We do have a two-part payment plan for each of our courses to help.
In general, no, you first must experience the 21 Day Journey as this is foundational to all the other work. We do occasionally make exceptions for someone to join the Biology of Trauma® track if they are enrolled in the next upcoming 21 Day Journey.
A few places you can check to find Dr. Aimie’s free resources would be her podcast, YouTube channel, and social media accounts on Instagram and Facebook.
She is always producing fresh new material, so stay tuned for more information!
The 21 Day Journey is an experiential journey that is foundational. Many people have experienced benefit in regards to a variety of symptoms and issues.